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  • County : Passaic Census Tracts
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Community / Social Environment
Community / Social Environment County Census Place (City) Municipality Zip Code Census Tract
Children in Single-Parent Households checked checked not checked  checked checked
Children Living Below Poverty Level checked checked not checked  checked checked
Households with an Internet Subscription checked checked not checked  checked checked
Households with One or More Types of Computing Devices checked checked not checked  checked checked
Linguistic Isolation checked checked not checked  checked checked
People 65+ Living Alone checked checked not checked  checked checked
People 65+ Living Alone (Count) checked not checked  not checked  checked checked
Persons with an Internet Subscription checked checked not checked  checked checked
Social and Economic Factors Ranking checked not checked  not checked  not checked  not checked 
Social Associations checked not checked  not checked  not checked  not checked 
Substantiated Child Abuse Rate checked not checked  not checked  not checked  not checked 
Young Children Living Below Poverty Level checked checked not checked  checked checked
Youth not in School or Working checked checked not checked  checked checked